Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Oh dear, 2 new queens!

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. That is of course, except for me!
I was about to go to bed on Christmas Eve, and one of the blinds was caught on our Christmas lights so I climbed up to untangle it where I discovered a queen ant jackpot! On the window, seemingly attracted by my festive display were 15+ Queens (sugar ants I think?) all without wings. I caught 2 (they will be known as D & E until I think of more creative names for them), as I couldn't help myself, knowing very well that my hubby would be "thrilled" (sarcasm!) that I now had 5 queen ants!
First 2 photos are of D, last one is E. They are enormous!


  1. These arnt sugar ants, they are Caamponotus. otherwise known as carpenter ant.

  2. Hi Noah, I just googled australian sugar ants and apparently we're both right - I'm pretty sure they are Camponotus consobrinus, which is what we call sugar ants over here. Here is a link to the wiki page

    Thanks :-)
