Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's moving day :-)

Seeing as though B has at least 10 very active workers I decided to let them out into a new home this morning. They were a little unsure at first, but within the hour had ventured into their new home. The most amazing thing was that once they were sure, they were very quick to move the eggs, larvae and pupae over to their new home! It was amazing to watch. The queen decided to move about 3/4 of the way through the move, so awesome :-)I hope the ant farm will be okay for them, it's filled with sand and dirt (washed and dried a few weeks ago) from our garden. I took heaps of photos with our little old camera - some are a bit rough because they moved so quickly!

This photo is of the first brave worker to venture near the opening of the ant farm!

This worker is carrying a bunch of eggs and larvae to their new home.

The same worker on the inside of the farm.

Another worker carrying a pupae.

The queen on the move!

The last of the larvae, about to be moved.

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